Features to Look For When Shopping For an Upright Freezer

The Danby brand is one of the most popular home appliance manufactures. Even with many different brand names to choose from, the quality and style that is synonymous with Danby remains the same. When you are choosing a freezer, it is important that you know why you need one and what it is for. While you have several options to choose from, the primary reason why people get them is to freeze meats and other food. In this article I will tell you more about what makes these appliances so popular.
In 1947, the company made the original home appliance freezer with a capacity of six inches wide, six inches deep and twenty three inches tall. Since then, many other modern upright freezers have an ice tray incorporated into their design. The dimensions have also remained consistent for these appliances.
Most modern upright freezers have some type of temperature knob on the front of the appliance. These temperature knobs can be set to various levels, allowing the user to adjust the temperature for specific foods or just the freezer itself. There are also models on the market that have a feature known as a manual defrost. The purpose of a manual defrost is to prevent ice buildup. It works well for both freezing and thawing.
Another common feature found on an upright freezer is the chest compartment. This compartment is designed to store food and other items in a manner that does not require the use of a large cabinet. Typically, this type of appliance has a door on the front that opens towards the back of the chest. If you purchase a chest model, it is recommended that you buy a bottom panel that fits snugly against the bottom of the freezers top door so that it keeps the contents contained when the freezer is closed.
Compact and inexpensive models of fridges provide a great solution for many households. A fridges that is too small to fit on a countertop can actually be used to freeze food for home and office use in small spaces. If you are interested in buying one of these versatile models, you should take the time to learn about the features available on the different types of fridges. For example, you should look for a model that includes freezer space for short-term storage and frost-free conditions, a freezer drawer with doors on all sides, a non-contact interior with a smooth interior surface, and a non-stick exterior to keep food from becoming un-chillable.
One of the most important features to look for is whether the fridge includes a manual defrost option. Manual defrost freezers allow the user to manually defrost food stored in the unit without using power or any energy source. It usually involves running a few wires to activate the defrost system and placing the fridge's door closer to the desired food. The colder the food, the longer it takes to thaw it out. This can make it ideal for keeping perishable items like meats that tend to stay cold for a longer period of time.
Another feature to look for is energy efficiency. The best upright freezers feature energy efficiency that measures your fridge's actual cooling and heating time versus its estimated time for re-cooling when you are not using the appliance. This is important because it will help you determine whether or not the appliance is costing you unnecessary electricity. Some models, like some of the new ones from Frigidaire, come with a low-energy setting that helps to keep the energy consumption low. Other models have higher energy efficiency settings and can actually help save electricity. The best upright freezers, like those from Oster and Amana, are noted for having high energy efficiency ratings.
Finally, you should look for an upright freezer with adjustable shelves. This can be particularly useful if you store foods in the freezer that are not easily accessed using only the top shelf. Many refrigerators have only two or three shelves while upright freezers offer a variety of storage options for small, frozen goods like meats. There are even some that have multiple compartments that can be used to store all different types of foods in separate sections. Look for an upright freezer with adjustable shelves that can be moved around to meet your particular storage needs.